6 min readOct 14, 2016

I used to think that conspiracy theorists actually had a pretty firm grasp of reality. They can often see global trends and the many contradictions between what is presented through media spectacle and what is actually going on. But there was always a very clear point of departure — a need for them to then reimpose a single perspective on all of that. A desperate attempt to bring some kind of meaning to what is essentially a chaotic and messy world, trying to find something that will piece everything back together — a conspiracy theory. Listen to the likes of David Icke talk about the rise of neoliberalism and how capitalism now operates on a global scale and you’ll often get an incredibly detailed analysis that could be the basis of some New York Times Best Seller you’d find on a friend of a friend’s coffee table — if not for the fact he then goes on to blame it all on the reptilians desire for human blood or a very literal reading of John Carpenter’s They Live. And while I found it easy and fun to laugh at them, there was always a sense of pity associated with it too — “How the fuck did they ever get to this point?”

“This is a human. This is what we look like. This is what we act like. This is what everybody was like before us. This is what I am.”

I’m not sure that holds for Alex Jones anymore.

I’ve been aware of Alex Jones since 2004 or so. Back then I was a just a kid with an internet connection who had a passing interest in world affairs. Conspiracy theory sites were actually kind of useful then. Sure, you had all the usual Chemtrail and Flat Earth nonsense but they would often share stories of what was going on in places like Iraq. I can still recall reading about Muqtada al-Sadr on some sites weeks before mainstream news channels were discussing Fallujah. I used to visit a few of those sites until I read Jeff Rense, a man who looks like a failed attempt to merge Hall & Oates into a single being, claiming that my hometown had been struck by an object from space and that the government was covering it up (suffice to say we weren’t hit by any objects — I even checked the forest they claimed it landed in). Jones would always pop back up on my radar — whether it was claims of false flags, appearing and ‘culture jamming’ on The View and Piers Morgan’s show, or a friend linking me pictures of him dressed as Heath Ledger’s Joker.

But I can’t ignore the fact this doesn’t quite explain how Alex Jones’ message seems to have changed in recent years. It’s become darker, more sinister and scarier. These days he seems to offer less and less critiques of state institutions and structures. The man who would once criticize cowardly oppressive “cops in black uniforms with moustaches” has little criticism to offer of the police following the wave of recent protests across the USA or actual documented and recorded cases of violence against civilians by police. Whatever ‘libertarian’ leanings he might have had seem to have washed away in recent months. The problem now isn’t the militarisation of the state, the government seeking absolute power or rogue elements of the deep state — but who is controlling it all? And that’s the wicked globalists who are possibly demons but at least worship Satan. There’s also the fact that the rise of ISIS has seen a shift away (not only with Jones) from claiming recent terror attacks were inside jobs perpetrated by the government to claiming that migration is a plot by the globalists to undermine Western identity. It’s no longer elements of the government and deep state trying to gain more control, it’s a shadowy global cabal trying to undermine the ethnic and cultural groundings of the nation state. This is a pretty big transformation and of course it’s been accompanied with more overt racism and Islamophobia from conspiracy circles.

Jones has also become more vocal in his declaration that he’s more human than the rest of us. He is constantly declaring his own humanity — chastising those of us who laugh at his rage or tears as not feeling any real human emotions. At the core of his message is the idea that if you aren’t with him, you’ve essentially sacrificed your own humanity to the New World Order. You’ve chosen to be a zombie only interested in the superficial reality offered to you or to maintain a sense of ironic distance from it all knowing that in a few decades time we’ll all be gone anyway. And of course, his notion if humanity is something profoundly religious. It was given to us by God.

“Empty hedonistic mindlessness becomes empty very quickly. The animating concept of liberty — studying the real world, studying the secrets, becoming informed, becoming involved — that will empower you… and then, when you do something fleshly that God gave us for enjoyment; the sex is fifty times better, the food is fifty times better — that’s a low number — beauty is so much more beautiful. Everything is seen in clear eyes.”

While he’s always claimed the globalist elite are Satanists engaged in creepy cult ceremonies, he’s now openly stating that Hillary Clinton is a demon from hell who wants to bring about nuclear war. It’s impossible not to pick up on the prophetic warnings throughout his videos these days. You are constantly being told that Donald Trump is the last chance the world has got to save humanity, Earth or whatever. It might be nuclear war, it might be an AI takeover or it might be the human beings with gills being grown in tanks a biologist told him about. We are indeed in the end times.

And of course along with the apocalypse, there’s also the growing Infowars brand which Alex is keen to remind you of. We’re not just talking merchandise or a water filtration system so the fluoride doesn’t turn you into a zombie or god forbid, you find yourself drinking those chemicals that turn the frogs friggin gay. There’s now a range of Infowars supplements ranging from detox and organ protection, healthy joints and Brain Force to “supercharge your state of mind.” And fair play to the guy, something must be working because his studio is actually looking mightily impressive these days and that doesn’t come cheap.

It all the raises the question — how much of this is an act? Look at the comments of any Alex Jones video posted on Twitter and you’ll soon see a wave of comments saying it’s all a joke before suggesting that he should join the WWE or might actually be Bill Hicks (There’s also the conspiracy theory that Alex Jones himself is a CIA operative designed to control and discredit conspiracy movements but some stones are best left unturned). I don’t agree. Alex Jones has been doing this for so long and faced so many attacks I’m almost certain it’s not an act. However, I do think that in today’s age it’s difficult for anybody who is seeing their Youtube views rising and their profile growing to shy away from the behaviour that leads to that. In Alex Jones’ case, this involves shouting louder and for longer (and of course, this has to be accompanied with Infowars labelling such videos as “EPIC RANT” along with an associated thumbnail I’m sure you can imagine).

"You’ll never — NEVER — defeat the human spirit. You’ll never defeat God. You’ll never win. Never. Never ever. Never.”

I don’t know what the future holds for Alex Jones. A few people have suggested to me that he’s potentially going to run for a political position at some point and tying himself to Trump is the best way of achieving that. I guess that’s possible and it would certainly make sense given his vocal support and interviews of Trump, his friendship with Roger Stone and the fact he’s distanced himself from his libertarian leanings and suggested the globalists have managed to get to Gary Johnson (I mean, let’s honest here — I’d seriously question the judgement of our demonic overlords if they’d wasted their resources buying the eternal servitude of Gary Johnson). But I can’t be sure. One thing I’m certain of — he’s not going away. In fact, I suspect Infowars will keep growing. When Clinton’s spoke of the “alt-right” and “deplorables” she unified a number of disparate groups under a single banner. She gave them a flag they could all fly. Presuming for a moment that she is elected and becomes President, I suspect there’ll be a lot more Infowarriors out there.

